It was the best of times, it was the craziest of times, it was the age of limoncello, it was the age of french fries (well pate’ to be exact), it was the epoch of our Royal Adelaide Show experience.
For 14 days, Mark and I lived at the Royal Show! We experienced it all… from sideshow alley to the clowns and even those clowns who were not in costume, lol.
But right at the very top of our list, the most rewarding part of our Royal Show experience were all the fantastic people we met and the positive feedback we received. Shout out to all those who visited us and thank you for your support.
Never ones to back down from a challenge, we also launched our new branding at the Show. Here are some photos of our awesome new look (big thanks to Andy Breeding for the fantastic work)

The show wouldn’t have been complete without one of our Cooking & Food Experiences. So in true Back 2 Basics Traditions style we hosted a ‘Learn to Make Pasta’ Kid’s Cooking Corner. It was extremely fulfulling to see the great excitement and enjoyment had by all the participants… including all the accomplished adult cooks who couldn’t help themselves and join in on all the fun.

We were also very privileged for the very kind assistance provided by our fantastic supporters.

Ok. Do you really want to know what happens after 14 days at the Royal Show???
Your hair starts to grow! It even turns a shade of yellow! And you even start making friends with all kinds of creatures!

looks wonderful Rob!